​Your Guide to Crypto Arbitrage Trading

Crypto Arbitrage

Arbitrage is an investment strategy where you take advantage of the price difference of assets on two different markets. In South Africa the price of crypto currency is higher than in the rest of the world. You can therefore profit by buying crypto currencies abroad and selling them in South Africa at a higher price. 

Who We Are

The technical details of crypto arbitrage trading can seem daunting, even to those with extensive market experience. To start trading you have to understand the concept, learn to speak the language, and execute transactions with large amounts of money. This takes knowledge, practice and 

What We Offer

We understand that climbing a mountain is hard, especially the first time. We aim to be your guide, ensuring you have all you need and showing
you the way:
- Detailed Instructions
- Customer Support
- Exchange Support
- Premium Software
- Protection Against Volatility

Our Values

We are driven by integrity and a caring nature for people. We strive to be at the forefront of the industry and are here to share our experience and knowledge with you. Dependability and honesty are of high importance to us as well as being professional and reputable. We strive to ensure all compliance obligations with financial institutions are met.


AMI Trading has developed software that will monitor the market continuously and can respond to changing conditions in an instant. This way trades can be executed within seconds, reducing the risk of crypto currency volatility. There is no need for you to monitor the market while you trade.


Getting started with crypto arbitrage trading can be a daunting task. AMI Trading can help you get familiar with the practical side of doing arbitrage like setting up your accounts, applying for tax clearance certificates and partnering with your bank.
